Shaken Not Stuttered is a free online resource demonstrating the extended techniques for strings. The site provides high definition videos with excellent sound quality to catalogue the extended techniques, primarily as a resource for performers, but also for the greater new music community and audience members to get a behind the scenes look at the sounds happening on stage.

The main videos are mini master classes in which the composer describes their inspiration behind the techniques, gives a short explanation of how to achieve the specific sound they want, and also sometimes demonstrates. Lanzilotti then performs the techniques filmed from different angles so that the viewer may observe both hands, different nuances, and details in executing the technique, such as the video below with composer Jürg Frey, explaining his “halftone harmonics” technique.

Visit for the complete set of videos, and to explore more sounds.

Other useful resources on Extended Techniques for Strings

Examples of Works that Include Extended Techniques

Stulz's Mirror Canon uses only extended bow techniques, and is read upside down and backwards by the second player. From Jack's notes on the piece:

Player 2 flips the music upside down and reads everything backwards and in a physical inversion. Thus the material player 1 plays at the beginning will be mirrored by player 2 at the end (and vice versa). This piece was composed a la George Perec using the knights tour from chess as solved by the 18th century hoax chess automaton "the Turk."

Further exploration of works with striking string timbres achieved through extended techniques: